Youth Off-Script: Unleashing the Life Stories and Hopes of the Out-of School-Youths

Lauro Aspiras 1 * , Emma D. Aspiras 2

AM J QUALITATIVE RES, Volume 5, Issue 1, pp. 222-242

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This study utilized the narrative inquiry and phenomenological research design. This inquiry aimed to explore and capture the eidetic life stories and hopes of the Out-of-School Youths. A total of five participants who were selected applying the chain-referral sampling took part in an individual open-ended and in-depth interview. The narratives of the participants were categorized into three. The first category is their life stories during their stay in School. It was noted that four themes emerged in this category, such as (1) struggle to live and to survive, (2) push, pull, and fall out, (3) Bully, bullied: Blended (4) low, lone, and leave. This study also highlighted the life stories of the participants after they dropped out of school. There were two themes generated: (1) Home, Haze, and bored; (2) easy go lucky. Moreover, the study also highlighted the hopes of the participants, and three themes appeared such as (1) hope for education and employment, (2) hope for the revival of their sense of pride and self-esteem, and (3) hope for support and assistance.  Likewise, the researchers came up with initiatives to answer the hopes of the participants, to wit: (1) organization of Parent Teachers Association, (2) collaboration with the PSWD, DTI, and TESDA (3) collaborative extension programs between and among the different departments of the university.

Keywords: Collaboration, Extension Program, Hopes, Life Stories, Out-of-School Youth

