The Invisible Influences Behind Joint Interviews: An Examination of Relational Expectations and Technology Use

Jamie Foster Campbell 1 *

AM J QUALITATIVE RES, Volume 5, Issue 1, pp. 206-221

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This paper presents a reflexive account of how the use of joint interviews with romantic dyads creates a unique conversational space for people to reflect on relational practices that are often invisible. The contribution this paper seeks to offer is to encourage other qualitative scholars to think critically about the use of joint interviews as a data collection method when studying mediated communication and technology’s place in relational life. Using the data from a larger research project, I argue that with joint interviews, the process of metacommunication inevitably impacts the couple’s behaviors and direct communication at that moment, and potentially after the interview ends. Therefore, it is important for future scholars using joint interviews to include a follow-up interview with the couple to learn more about how their relational communication, especially over mediated channels, transforms after the interview concludes. Questions about the effect of joint interviews as a research practice are presented.

Keywords: Communication Rules, Expectancy Violation Theory, Joint Interviews, Mobile Communication, Romantic Relationships.

