Supporting Teacher Change in an English as a Foreign Language Environment: A Peer-Coaching Study in Turkey

Arzu Gul 1 * , Wendy C. Kasten 2

AM J QUALITATIVE RES, Volume 5, Issue 2, pp. 130-155

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Even though Ministry of National Education (MoNE) in Turkey has been switching from the traditional approach to the constructivist one since 2005, the classroom practices, teaching methods, evaluation system, school structures and materials, and the aspects of the administrators and teachers are still contrary to the principles of constructivism. This study offered constructivism as a new notion in teaching English as a foreign language for six willing teachers. Following a 10-day professional development seminar, the impacts on teachers’ change were observed. Data sources included: participant periodic interviews, observational fieldnotes and artifacts; and researcher logs. The findings showed that the treatment plan was effective to enable teachers learn constructivism, change their approach, and applications. This study provided noteworthy findings regarding professional development seminars. A well-planned and well-organized teacher development seminar with an on-going support and peer coaching is necessary. Professional development communities and critical conversation groups have notable roles in teacher development. This study also showed that teachers are the most important actors in implementing educational change as they can reach their idealistic (constructivist) goals regardless of obstacles such as time constraint, overcrowded classes, and insufficient materials.

Keywords: Constructivism, English as a Foreign Language (EFL), Peer-Coaching, Professional Development Seminar, Teacher Change.

