Promoting Reflexivity During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Maribel Villegas Greene 1 * , Gloria Park 1

AM J QUALITATIVE RES, Volume 5, Issue 1, pp. 23-29

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Reflexivity is a concept that is pivotal in understanding and conducting qualitative inquiry but can be relevant to the teacher identities as they shuttle between what they do as teachers and how they engage with participants in conducting research. In the Notes from the Field article, the authors, Maribel Greene and Gloria Park (a doctoral student working on a research project with doctoral program peers and a graduate  faculty member teaching the qualitative research course, respectively) focus on a research-oriented concept of reflexivity to bring about more awareness around their roles and responsibilities as an emerging qualitative researcher (Greene) and a graduate  faculty member (Park) working with individuals from diverse contexts. In addition to highlighting reflexivity in their respective roles and responsibilities, the authors document the unprecedented influence the COVID-19 pandemic has had on their work. In this collaborative reflective piece, they discuss their positionalities and reflect on the role of reflexivity not just in their research but as a tool to navigate their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors highlight the importance of (1) being vulnerable; (2) looking more inward in what they do as a researcher and a graduate faculty member; and (3) taking risks in being reflexive to better understand their respective roles. The authors conclude with a list of critical questions and insights inviting readers to find ways to carry on the commitment to integrate reflexivity in working with individuals from diverse backgrounds in both teaching and research contexts.

Keywords: COVID-19 Pandemic, Emerging Researcher, Qualitative Research, Reflexivity.

