Multiple Cultures – One Process: Undertaking A Cross Cultural Grounded Theory Study

Shoba Nayar 1 * , Valerie Wright St.Clair 2

AM J QUALITATIVE RES, Volume 4, Issue 3, pp. 131-145

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Increasingly researchers are interested in the nexus of older adults, migration and health. Grounded theory is an ideal methodology to use in qualitative studies seeking to better understand the processes surrounding immigrants’ resettlement and how they maintain their wellbeing. To date, grounded theory methods have been employed in New Zealand research with older Asian immigrants; however, such research has only involved one ethnic group per study. Internationally, there is a dearth of research using grounded theory methods with participants from multiple ethnic communities. This paper describes the steps undertaken in developing a cross cultural grounded theory study of Chinese, Indian, and Korean senior immigrants’ contribution to New Zealand society. The challenges, learnings, and benefits of undertaking such research are explored and recommendations put forth for developing the use of a grounded theory methodology in cross cultural studies.

Keywords: Community participation, Cross cultural research, Immigrants, Grounded Theory, Older adults.

