Insights on Production End of the Dairy Value Chain in Bangladesh

Abureza M. Muzareba 1 * , Mubina Khondkar 2

AM J QUALITATIVE RES, Volume 5, Issue 1, pp. 142-162

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This research paper aims at critically analyzing the production end of the dairy value chain with a long-run vision and mission to develop a more efficient pro-poor development of value chain that will allow disadvantaged farmers, milkers, feed producers, and feed sellers to overcome barriers and earn more to escape from poverty through further value addition in a sustainable manner. It uses qualitative research with an integrated methodology, comprising in-depth interviews, focus group discussions (FGD), and observation. We collected data from 30 villages located in eight districts in northern Bangladesh, using 44 in-depth interviews and 18 FGDs. Thematic data analysis is used, and five cases are presented. Farmer or producer, milker, feed producer, and feed seller are the production end actors of the dairy value chain. Rearing cows within the homestead is a popular and enduring custom. The labor-intensive rearing lacks automation and needs helping hands. Traditional free-range cattle rearing practice is identified on some river islands. Despite politics in pricing, ethical pricing also exists but not at the institutional level. Hand milking is common practice with vulnerability as it impacts milk quality. Feed selling business is rising and getting institutionalized. Production end value addition scopes are identified along multiple dimensions for stakeholders to take necessary actions.

Keywords: Bangladesh, Dairy Value Chain, Feed Producer and Seller, Milk Production, Milker.

