Effectiveness of School and Family on Enculturation: Perceptions of Students

Aysun Dogutas *

AM J QUALITATIVE RES, Volume 4, Issue 3, pp. 83-91

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Culture is essential because culture is the root of society. Thus, transferring the culture to the new generations is important. This study aims to find out how effective families and schools are with enculturation in Turkey. The primary objective of the study is to determine the effectiveness of families and schools on enculturation; other aims of the study were to determine 1) the effectiveness of enculturation on secondary school students in Turkey, and 2) the knowledge and perception of students on cultural objects. This study used semi-structured interviews to acquire data. According to the semi-structured interviews, eight main themes emerged. These themes were as follows; cultural elements, holiday visits, handicrafts, cultural trips with teachers, cultural trips with family, an analogy of enculturation, the importance of culture, and presentation of cultural elements to tourists.

Keywords: Culture, Enculturation, Social Sciences Course, Society, Turkey.

