Collaborative Autoethnography as a Pathway for Teacher Learning

Nugrahenny Zacharias 1 * , Galina Shleykina 2

AM J QUALITATIVE RES, Volume 5, Issue 2, pp. 10-21

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In this article, we present lessons learned through the use of Collaborative Autoethnography (CA), a qualitative research method where two international faculty members use their stories constructed from the year-long participation in a Faculty Learning Community (FLC) at a midwestern university in the US. The FLC aimed at providing a safe shared space where international faculty and graduate students discussed the struggles, challenges, and joys of their ‘international-ness’. The autoethnographic reflection illustrates how participation in a FLC has helped them to mediate their initial worries and dilemma of being international faculty (Galina) and reconceptualize teaching (Henny) in a productive way. Additionally, the study demonstrates how reflecting on one’s experience through autoethnography helps them to draw tangible lessons connecting their participation in FLC to their individual teaching contexts and personal struggle in performing a viable teacher identity. The article ends with pedagogical implications on how future FLCs can be better structured to meet the needs of international faculty.

Keywords: Collaborative Autoethnography, Faculty Learning Community, Teacher Learning, Teacher Professional Development and Learning.

