Application of Case Study Methodology in the Exploration of Inclusion in Education

Prativa Shrestha 1 * , Prakash C. Bhattarai 1

AM J QUALITATIVE RES, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp. 73-84

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The purpose of writing this article is to demonstrate that the case study methodology can be very useful in the exploration of inclusion in education. As evidence, the authors have presented their experiences of using a case study methodology to study inclusive education with a particular focus on girls with visual disability and their school context. Going beyond an interpretation aligned with ecological system theory and theory of dysontogenesis, the methodology was able to capture the essence of the participants’ experiences, exploring the different layers of environment and how the layered aspects influenced the school experiences of girls with visual disabilities and their integration or segregation in schools. In the meaning-making process, the case study was able to unpack the complexity of school and classroom practices and their connections amongst diverse layers at the levels of the teacher, the pupil, the classroom, the school, and its context.

Keywords: inclusive education, inclusion in Nepal, research in inclusion, case study, visually impaired girls

